facebook Tomonari Kougei, Acrylic Masu no Tomonari Kougei] Radio Appearance on Kamakura FM's "Tsujinaka Ko and Isshin Goshin".

Acrylic Masu Maker Tomonari Kogei to Appear on “Tsujinaka Kumi to Isshin Goshin” on Kamakura FM Radio

Fumi Tomonari, representative director of Tomonari Kogei, seller of mas/mas (acrylic masu sake cups), is scheduled to appear on “Tsujinaka Kumi to Isshin Goshin,” a program on Kamakura FM, a radio station based in her hometown of Kamakura.
*mas/mas are original acrylic masu sake cups created by Tomonari Kogei, a manufacturer with a 70-year history. The cups are characterized by their combination of beautiful etchings of Japanese patterns and sturdy, easy-to-handle acrylic material.

Tomonari is scheduled to appear in four episodes in August 2024.
In the first episode, she will share the details that go into creating acrylic sake cups, starting with the shaping process that ensures that the etchings stand out sharply. In the second episode, she will discuss the relationship between acrylic sake cups and the world outside Japan, mainly from her company’s experience in technical education in Cambodia over the last decade. These episodes will delve into Tomonari Kogei’s outlook on sharing techniques from the earnest work of manufacturing in a local small-scale factory with the next generation and the rest of the world.

Tomonari decided to enroll in a “Yamato Shigusa Okeiko” course on traditional Japanese customs after attending a lecture by Tsujinaka, and created a custom giveaway for a lecture by Tsujinaka commemorating the publication of her book: a 180-ml mas/mas sake cup featuring etchings of an asanoha (hemp leaf) pattern and the logo of Yamatono Chie Practice Association.
This connection was one of the reasons for inviting Tomonari to be a guest on Tsujinaka’s radio show.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about Tomonari Kogei and mas/mas! Those living outside Kamakura can tune in online via Internet Simul Radio from anywhere in Japan.

【Program Information】
Title: Tsujinaka Kumi to Isshin Goshin
Station: Kamakura FM
Date and time: Tuesdays, 22:10–22:58

【Shows featuring Tomonari】
1st episode: Tuesday, August 6. The details behind acrylic masu sake cups.
2nd episode: Tuesday, August 13. Acrylic masu sake cups and the world outside Japan.
3rd episode: Tuesday, August 20. The details behind acrylic masu sake cups (rebroadcast).
4th episode: Tuesday, August 27. Acrylic masu sake cups and the world outside Japan

Official website of mas/mas: https://masmas.style/
Official website of Kamakura FM radio: https://www.kamakurafm.co.jp/
Internet Simul Radio:https://www.jcbasimul.com/

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