facebook Step into Comfort with And Steady's Custom-Made Shoes for the 100-Year Life Era

andsteady Kutsutore® Custom-made Shoes

AXT Inc.

andsteady Kutsutore® Custom-made Shoes
andsteady Kutsutore® Custom-made Shoes
Ever since an army boot plant was built in Asakusa during the Meiji era, shoe-making has flourished as a local industry, making the region Japan's number one shoe production area. To this day, it remains well-known as a shoe district, home to shoe wholesalers.

andsteady was created to promote greater use of the easy-walking shoes made by the artisans of Asakusa. It offers the services needed to pick the right shoes and an innovative shoe salon.
andsteady's integrated production system handles everything from planning and manufacturing to sales and post-sales service. Shoe artisans make shoes by hand, right in Tokyo, and share Tokyo's shoe culture with the world.
In addition to custom-made shoes with a wide range of designs, andsteady also helps customers get in shape using their shoes through its Kutsutore® training method. With Kutsutore®, people can achieve better fitness by selecting shoes that are well-matched to their feet.

Kutsutore® sneakers, the most iconic series of andsteady products, offer a fit that's on a completely different level than conventional sneakers. These shoes help make up for any functional shortcomings in wearers' feet and lead them get them in better shape.

Philosophy & Vision

Shoes that Fit Feel Great

Shoes that Fit Feel Great
AXT Inc. is an Asakusa shoe manufacturer whose concept is "getting in shape starting with Kutsutore®."

The company has its background in a shoe material manufacturer with a history of over 70 years. AXT now leverages the techniques of Asakusa's shoemakers, directly operating full-service shoe salons known as " Kutsu-Ashi-Aruku Kenkyusho andsteady " (andsteady shoe, foot, and walking research lab) in Tokyo's Nihonbashi Ningyo-cho area, Osaka's Umeda Nakazaki-cho area, and Fukuoka's Tenjin area.
Over 6,800 customers have visited these stores, buying over 18,000 pairs of custom-made shoes. One of andsteady's strengths is its ability to quickly reflect requests from customers in new design plans, with artisans developing them into commercial products.

andsteady also operates franchises throughout Japan, and is currently seeking new franchisees.

As a shoe manufacturer, AXT also welcomes consultation regarding high-mix, small-lot OEM and ODM production.
The TOKYO KIMONO SHOES brand of kimono sneakers are one of AXT's most prominent ODM products. They were designed based on AXT's Kutsutore® sneakers, given a kimono finish, and branded with the customer's name.

Customers can call on AXT, no matter what their shoe needs, whether it be shoe-making, shoe sales, retail business promotion, repair parts and materials purchasing, or insole creation.

Creator's Commitment

Shoes that Fit Are Medicine that You Wear

Shoes that Fit Are Medicine that You Wear
The compatibility between feet and shoes is an essential part of the very definition of a "good shoe."
AXT sees a problem with the Japanese shoe industry: people focus on shoes as simply "objects" and neglect the actual wearing experience.

That's why, with its next-generation andsteady shoe salons, it has used the superbly comfortable shoes of Asakusa to provide comprehensive services that extend all the way to improving the physical conditions of wearers.

From its home in Tokyo, AXT is sharing the innovative concept of "medicine that you wear" with the aim of fostering greater awareness of true shoe culture.